
By Ellen Peck and

Dr. James Lieberman

Dear Dr. Lieberman:

I have a serious problem and I know you can help me. When I was a little boy, my mother always made me play with girls, dolls, and always dressed me like a girl.

Now that I am grown up (at 16), I have this liking for boys and not girls. I know you must think I'm a queer, but I'm really not a bad-looking kid and I've gone out with a few girls but they never interest me because my past has had such an effect on me that all I have on my mind are boys.

There's this one boy in school and I'm always writing him letters about me. He hates me for it. Please print this just to show my mother what a horrible effect all my past has had on my life, so far. I'm willing to follow anyone's advice.

Bitter boy, N.Y. State

Some people will be very upset by your problem; others will say, "to each his own" or "live` and let live."

Keep Thoughts Close to Chest

Lots of people will have advice, too, but you'll have to be careful about whose you follow. You need some sensitive professional counseling that's neither "pro" nor "con❞ homosexual preference, but can help an individual find his

own solution to the various conflicts involved.

Your local Mental Health Association or Community Mental Health Center can help you with an appropriate referral.

Meanwhile, have whatever private thoughts you want, but don't wreck your friendships with males or females by revealing too much. That goes for any relationship


don't unload more than the other person can carry.

Dr. Lieberman

Dear Bitter:

If you know your letters make another boy hate you, then stop writing. That's your responsibility, not your mother's.

The feelings you have for boys are not something you can change by an act of will, but blaming your mother won't help there. either.